PALM Programme
Session 1: 9:00AM-10:30AM
•9:00-9:20 Welcome and Introduction, by Frank•9:20-10:30 Oral Session1: Methods from The 7 Teams, by Hrvoje
1) CMT#3, PingAn Smart Health, Yan Guo (China)
2) CMT#11, CUHK, Shujun Wang (China-HK)
3) CMT#12, Masker, Pengshuai Yin (China)
4) CMT#14, RYE-NUS, Nabila Abraham (Canada & Singapore)
Session 2: 11:00AM-12:15PM
•11:00-11:45 Oral Session2: Methods from The 7 Teams, by Hrvoje
5) CMT#16, LAIS, Cefas Freire (Brazil)
6) CMT#27, Vistalab, Jingxin Liu (China)
7) CMT#28, KUL_VITO, Ruben Hemelings (Belgium)
•11:45-12:10 Evaluation and Awards, by Nacho, Frank and Hrvoje
•12:10-12:15 Close Ceremony and Brainstorm on iChallenge Organization